JAKARTA - In order to prevent stunting or stunting due to failing to grow children, the government of Lebak Regency, Banten asked its citizens not to marry early childhood. "In addition to the risk of maternal and baby mortality also donate stunting children," said Deputy Regent of Lebak Ade Sumardi while commemorating the 30th National Family Day of 2023 in Lebak, Saturday, reported by ANTARA, July 8. For this reason, the Lebak Regency government involves family assistant team volunteers (TPK) consisting of family planning officers (KB), Midwives and Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) as well as women activists to socialize education to various elements of the community and educational institutions in order to prevent early marriage. Because, early marriage will cause social problems in the community to also create stunting children so that in the future give birth to next generation that does not meet human resources (HR) competitiveness. Based on health that stunting experienced delays in the way of thinking also after adults prone to diabetes, high blood and heart disease. "We hope that Lebak in the future there will no longer be early marriage free from stunting," he explained. According to him, his party appreciates stunting management in Lebak Regency running well after body measurements were carried out to 108 thousand toddlers who were declared stunting based on "by name by address" or according to name and address there was a decline. Currently, the case of stunting prevalence in Lebak Regency in May 2023 decreased was recorded at 3,736 toddlers from the previous year 2022 as many as 4,618 people. "We believe that the stunting prevalence rate here is confirmed to decrease by 14 percent according to President Joko Widodo's target in 2024," said the Head of the Stunting Handling Acceleration Team (TPPS) Lebak. Meanwhile, the Head of Population and Family Management at the DP2KP3A Lebak Regency Hj Tuti Nurasiah said that his party asked for a small family in the community that has an important role to form a prosperous and healthy family. also has a responsibility to be free from stunting, so it needs to maintain reproductive health since young age.

Therefore, prospective brides (catin) are required to receive guidance at the local Religious Affairs Office (KUA) as well as to check health at the puskesmas and health center three months before marriage. Inspection three months before marriage, he said, is an examination of the hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the blood, measuring the circumference of the upper, left, right arms of the woman, measuring the weight, and height of the paint.

Each family needs to consume nutritious food to prevent chronic energy and anemia as a risk of giving birth to stunting babies. "We believe that by maintaining health, children who are born can grow and be healthy and not give birth to tengkes," he concluded.

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