JAYAPURA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian asked the Papua Provincial Government to immediately complete data collection on students receiving special autonomy scholarships to disburse the tuition fees.
"I received reports of inaccurate data so that with the complete data, scholarship payments can be made," said the Minister of Home Affairs in Jayapura as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.
The Minister of Home Affairs said that the delay in paying scholarships for Papuan students was due to inaccurate data.
If the data has been declared complete, the 2022 financing will be completed by the Papua Provincial Government, while scholarships in 2023 and beyond will be handed over to districts and cities.
"We are still waiting for valid scholarship recipient data so that there is no more data on students who have not continued their education but are still receiving scholarships," said the Minister of Home Affairs.
According to him, the problem faced by the Papua scholarship program funded through special autonomy funds is data.
"The synchronization of data must be done so that it can be accounted for because those who receive scholarships are students who are really studying," said Tito Karnavian.
A total of 1,717 Papuan students who received the Special Autonomy Scholarship have not paid their tuition fees and are threatened with being dismissed by the campus because of delays in paying tuition fees by the Papua Provincial Government.
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