The Cianjur Police, West Java, arrested the perpetrators of sexual abuse of their stepchildren and biological children, IR (50), a resident of Bojongpicung District, and his stepson was severely traumatized and refused to return home and work abroad.
Bojongpicung Police Chief AKP Eriyanto said that the case of harassment by IR was revealed after his stepson who chose to work abroad refused to go home even though his contract had expired because he was often abused by his stepfather.
"His son answered that he was still traumatized by IR's actions, which often sexually harassed him, so that Muslihah, the victim's mother, asked her husband about it and admitted that her actions included her biological child, the fruit of their marriage," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 3.
The victim's mother who received the confession immediately reported the perpetrator to the Bojongpicung Police Headquarters, the officer who received the report immediately arrested the perpetrator without a fight and the case was transferred to the Cianjur Police Headquarters.
In front of the police, the perpetrator admitted that all of his actions of harassing his stepdaughter in 2021-2022 and his 13-year-old biological child since 2022 until finally his depraved act was revealed.
"The perpetrator was charged with Article 82 of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the Second Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with the threat of imprisonment of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 5 billion," he said.
His party asked parents to further increase supervision of children because perpetrators of abuse against children and women are on average known and close to victims, both neighbors, relatives and even stepfathers, so that they can easily launch their actions.
"Parents' special supervision and attention is an accurate way so that children and women avoid victims of sexual harassment or rape," he said.
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