JAKARTA - Every June 30 is declared the Day of the International Parliament. This commemoration was decided through the resolution of the UN General Assembly in 2018 in conjunction with the establishment of the IPU World Parliament Organization (Inter Parliamentary Union).

In commemoration of parliament day 2023, the Chairman of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), Dr. Fadli Zon said that as one of the pillars of democracy, in addition to the main tasks that include Legislation, Budget and Supervision, Parliament also has a diplomatic task. The diplomatic task is normatively regulated in a number of laws such as Law No. 37 of 1999 concerning Foreign Relations and Law No. 17 of 2014 concerning the MPR, DPR, DPRD and DPD.

In fact, parliamentary diplomacy is carried out in order to strengthen state diplomacy in achieving national interests. As a focal point of Indonesian parliamentary diplomacy, the DPR RI BKSAP is committed to strengthening state diplomacy in achieving national interests.

"BKSAP also plays an active role in efforts to realize world peace, in accordance with our constitutional mandate," said Fadli Zon as Chairman of BKSAP in a written statement, Saturday, July 1.

The Gerindra politician also said that the Council's Apparatus he led was also active in fighting for Indonesia's interests on various global strategic issues.

Global strategic issues such as the issue of Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs), the issue of Climate Change, and other issues that are of concern to parliament around the world who are members of the IPU. Furthermore, BKSAP also helped fight for peace, democracy, humanity and conflict resolution. For example, through the issue of the humanitarian impact of the prolonged crisis in Myanmar.

"Since 2017, through membership of the DPR RI in the Regional Parliament Organization of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), BKSAP has consistently fought for an immediate settlement of the Rohingya refugee crisis, as well as further, encouraging conflict resolution in Myanmar, as the key to stability, security and peace in the Southeast Asia region," he said.

Fadli also said that on August 5, 2023, the BKSAP as the whole of the DPR RI in terms of parliamentary diplomacy, will again actively fight for the Southeast Asian Parliament which is more responsive in the Context of Realizing ASEAN which is stable and prosperous. As is known together, the DPR RI holds the Presidency of the ASEAN Parliament (AIPA) in 2023, along with the Chairmanship of Indonesia in ASEAN.

Fadli Zon also said that in commemoration of International Parliament Day this year, BKSAP as the ally of DPR RI diplomacy remains consistent in contributing to overcoming global challenges, such as climate change, social inequality, and conflict.

" Modern diplomacy is no longer just an executive area, diplomatic actors have developed in such a way as to keep up with the times. Therefore, national interests whose achievements are pursued through diplomacy, are also fought for by BKSAP," he concluded.

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