JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) confirmed that slaughterhouses (RPH), including poultry slaughterhouses (RPHU), are still operating, although the supply of chickens is slightly constrained.

"RPHU continues to operate (no holidays) and opens services even if the supply of chickens is constrained," said Head of the Center for Animal Health and Livestock Services at the DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Service (KPKP), Renova Ida Siahaan, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

This affirmation is related to the forced closure of certain community organizations (ormas) against the RPH managed by the DKI Provincial Government in the Pulogadung area, East Jakarta for four days from Tuesday (27/6) to Friday (30/6).

The action of the mass organization, said Renova, was involved in acts of violence because it forced traders to take holidays, especially since the RPHU belonged to the government.

"It has been included in the handling of the Cakung Police in East Jakarta (East Jakarta). So, basically there is no reason for the RPHU to take a day off, this mass organization forces traders, yes traders are afraid, this is violence," said Renova.

Renova explained that the mass organization claimed to be from the Retail Chicken Traders Community, but when the community was formed was unknown.

The DKI KPKP Office deeply regrets the actions of these mass organizations because they hinder public public services, harm traders there and disrupt the availability of chickens.

"We have entered the report, yes, it must be brought under control like this. So this is being handled so that the atmosphere is cool," said Renova.

He has also coordinated with related parties to secure the RPH.

"We have coordinated with various mayors and the East Jakarta Police (East Jakarta) for security assistance," he said.

In addition, his party is also coordinating with the National Police Food Task Force (Satgas) and the National Food Agency (Bapanas) to help oversee the supply of live chickens to RPHU.

Forced to take a vacation

Previously, viral on Twitter social media @ Okki_Sutanto, RPH in Pulogadung, East Jakarta, was forced to close by local mass organizations for four days from Tuesday (27/6) to Friday (30/6).

"The joint holiday was forced by mass organizations. The business of my parents, chicken RPH, today the forced closure of mass organizations is not clear. Suddenly a few days ago I got a circular letter like this. Even though the deliberation was not invited. Selling this chicken, halal," wrote Okki.

Okki also revealed that the Rawa Crab RPHU in Cakung District, East Jakarta, which is managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, was also forced to close.

Okky explained that traders cannot cut chickens in any place because there are hygienic and halal standards that require special places and equipment.

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