JAKARTA - Head of the FPI DPP Advocacy Division (Front Islamic Brotherhood), Aziz Yanuar said, FPI submitted 7 demands to the government regarding Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

"We strongly condemn the spread of religious unity and blasphemy that has been carried out by Panji Gumilang as the leader of the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Indramayu. FPI also demanded the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to immediately issue a Sesat Fatwa against the teachings of Panji Gumilang," said Aziz Yanuar when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, June 27.

Aziz said FPI also demanded the Government to close the Al-Zaytun Indramayu Islamic Boarding School because it was a misleading place committed against the nation's children.

"Demanding law enforcement officials to immediately carry out legal proceedings against Panji Gumilang on suspicion of blasphemy against Islam and this has been reported to the Indonesian Police by several groups of elements of society," he said.

FPI also requires the Government to designate Al-Zaytun as a banned organization and investigate parties who help protect Al-Zaytun, both individuals and certain institutions.

"We call on the Mayor of the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Santri to immediately withdraw his students from Al-Zaytun for the safety of their Aqidah. We welcome Muslims to unite to continue to fight misleading deviant ideas that will destroy the aqidah of Muslims," he said.

If the government does not grant 7 FPI demands, Aziz admits that he will continue to take legal action. "There are 7 points of prosecution. (if not granted) Take the path according to the constitution," he said.

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