SUKOHARJO - Investigators of the Sukoharjo Police held a reconstruction of the murder case by means of mutilation with the suspect Suyono (50) against the victim Rohmadi (51), as many as 113 scenes at the location of the incident of the Toko Mebel Yanto Street Ir Sukarno Grogol Solobaru. During the reconstruction of the mutilation case, it was led directly by the Head of the Sukoharjo Police, AKBP Sigit, accompanied by the Head of the Sukoharjo District Attorney's Office, Rini Triningsih, starting at the location of the perpetrator's workplace and the victim of the Mebel Yanto Shop in Grogol Solobaru. According to the Head of the Sukoharjo Police, the reconstruction of the murder case was initiated in a furniture shop where the perpetrators with the victim were still working at the furniture shop, continued to the location of the removal of the victim's body at the Ngaksinan bridge, the Nglebak bridge, the Pringgolayan bridge and the Ngruki Bridge. Meanwhile, the location of the crime at home and the boarding place was imposed a replacement location. "The reconstruction of the murder case with the mutilation was carried out to synchronize the witness's statement with the perpetrator to strengthen the case," said Sigit quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21. According to the Police Chief of the reconstruction there were 113 scenes, ranging from the planning carried out by the perpetrators, the execution, the mutilation process, the removal of the body to the perpetrators encounter a number of witnesses to escape. "The reconstruction process went smoothly, the perpetrators who were accompanied by the attorney to the execution of the victim's body. With the reconstruction will be clearer because later the files must be appropriate for the incident. According to him, after the reconstruction process there will be a deviation of stage one that will be carried out to be checked for the case file. If it is complete, the prosecutor will then prepare the indictment. Meanwhile, the Central Java Police managed to uncover the case of the murder accompanied by means of the discovery of a number of victims and arrested a number of bodies.

According to Central Java Police Chief Irjan Pol Ahmad Luthfi, the victim of the mutilation was identified as Rohmadi alias Madun (51), a resident of Keprabon RT 02 RW 03, Banjarsari Surakarta and the perpetrator was Suyono alias Yono (50), a resident of Laweyan, Solo, who was a colleague of the victim. The police chief revealed that the perpetrator killed the victim and cut the victim's body to six parts in a furniture shop in Grogol District, Sukoharjo, on Friday (19/5) at around 01.01 WIB.

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