The Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) of the Ujung Pandang Embarkation (UPG) Makassar, received a group of pilgrims for Hajj (JCH) batch 39, including pilgrims over 100 years old.
Public Relations Officer of PPIH UPG Embarkation, Makassar Mawardi Siradj said the group of pilgrims for Hajj was transported by 13 buses from Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, and six of them were prospective hajj candidates over 100 years old.
"For prospective pilgrims from Wajo Regency, there are 393 people and 86 of them are in the advanced age category (elderly), the rest are regular Hajj candidates," he said.
Mawardi said that for Hajj candidates over the age of 100, namely, Andi Besse Tinro (100), Isana Binti Lanenung (102), Hatija Landeko (101), Dawa Lauca (102), Bunga Rosi Laema (102), and Sani lasalamma (100).
The Regent of Wajo, South Sulawesi Amran Mahmud directly escorted his residents to the boarding house for the Hajj Sudiang Makassar dormitory to then be dispatched to the holy land to perform the pilgrimage.
He also hopes that all residents who carry out the pilgrimage for a month can return home safely and become a hajj evening.
Meanwhile. Head of the Wajo Ministry of Religion Office Muhammad Yunus, while accompanying the Regent and Deputy Regent of Wajo, witnessed the process of receiving and serving at the Arafah Hall of the Hajj Dormitory, Sudiang Makassar.
He explained that the South Sulawesi Siskohat data shows that Wajo Regency is the area with the most elderly congregations, namely 104 people aged between 85 103 years.
So, he said, the roles and responsibilities of kloster officers are needed to ensure that all Rukun and Mandatory Worship is fulfilled by all his congregations.
"The plan is that the 39 UPG cluster will undergo a number of activity agendas including the handover of accommodation sheets, handing over Hajj bracelets and money-leasing costs, then health checks, especially for the elderly and women of fertile age," he said.
PPIH also carried out strengthening the guidance of Hajj rituals, coaching the head of the team and the head of the group, handing over passports, checking luggage in the cabin for further transportation by Hajj special buses to the airport.
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