JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that state losses due to corruption in the manipulation of performance allowances (tukin) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2020-2022 caused the state to lose Rp27.6 billion. This figure arises due to the difference in payments from the amount it should be.
"From the amount of allowances that should have been paid, it was Rp. 1,399,928,153 but paid Rp. 29,003,205,373. Or there was a difference of Rp. 27,603,277,720," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 15.
The difference money was then divided by 10 people who became suspects with a different nominal. The largest part was obtained by PPK staff from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Febian Sirait, with a nominal value of Rp. 10.8 billion.
Meanwhile, Acting Verification and Accounting Recording Maria Febri Valentine gets the smallest part, which is IDR 900 million.
"That the money obtained by the suspects was allegedly used, including for the following needs, amounting to around Rp1.035 billion," said Firli.
Furthermore, Firli said that the difference in performance allowances was used for tactical funds for office operational activities to personal needs.
"Among them are Umrah cooperation, marriage donations, THR, treatment, and purchase of assets in the form of land, houses, indoor volleyball, athletes' mess, vehicles, and precious metals," he explained.
"With this deviation, it is suspected that it has resulted in state losses of at least Rp. 27.6 billion," Firli continued.
Previously, the KPK named and detained 9 of the 10 suspects in this case. They are the Subdivision of the Treasury of Priyo Andi Gularso, the commitment maker (PPK) Novian Hari Subagio, and PPK staff Lernhard Febrian Sirait.
Then there are other suspects, namely the Expenditure Treasurer Christa Handayani Pangaribowo, PPABP Rokhmat Annashikhah, SPM Operator Beni Arianto, Bill Tester Hendi, PPK Haryat Prasetyo, and screenwriter Maria Febri Valentine.
Meanwhile, another person, the Expenditure Treasurer of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Abdullah, has not been detained due to illness. The detention will only be carried out after he is declared healthy and can be held accountable for his actions.
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