The Principal's Working Conference (MKKS) of Lampung High School said there are still schools in Lampung Province that carry out offline admissions of new students (PPDB).
"Overall, PPDB in Lampung uses an online system, but there are several schools that implement it offline," said Chairman of the MKKS SMA Lampung Hendra Putra, in Bandar Lampung, Monday, June 12, as quoted by Antara.
He said, there are two reasons why a school implements PPDB offline, namely, the lack of complete facilities and infrastructure and the number of students who register every year is below the standard.
"So they want PPDB offline and the school concerned has also volunteered not to be online," he said.
Hendra said that based on existing data for high schools that implement PPDB online in Lampung, 159 schools and 80 other schools received students offline.
"Yes, of the 239 public high schools in Lampung, 159 carried out online and the rest made offline revenues," he said.
However, he ensured that densely populated areas and had good internet network infrastructure, all public high schools there conducted PPDB online.
"For areas such as Bandarlampung City, Metro, and North Lampung, God willing, all of them will implement PPDB online," he said.
On the other hand, the Chairman of the MKKS SMA emphasized that until now there have been no obstacles on the first day of PPDB for the high school level in Lampung.
"Overall in Lampung, there are no obstacles, such as server down everything went smoothly," he said.
He also said that on the first day of PPDB, all high schools in Lampung would register via affirmation with a quota of 15 percent of the number of students to be received.
"For the requirements, registrants must have one of the Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP) and then a Prosperous Family Card (KKS) and enter the Family Hope Program (PKH), then the person concerned still has to attach a family card, because if later the affirmation registrant exceeds the quota, of course, it will be sorted based on the closest distance from the school," he said.
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