The volunteer posts are usually only buildings whose activities are only consolidated for winning. However, in Medan, there is a volunteer post Ganjar Pranowo carrying a unique and contemporary concept.

The post is called Juang Ganjar Headquarters. The volunteer post initiated by millennials and Gen Z on Jalan Sei Batanghari No. 143, Medan City carries a different concept.

Not only being a meeting place and consolidating the victory of Ganjar, the post was deliberately created to provide more benefits to the community.

There is an honesty canteen, which is a canteen that is opened to the public. People can eat as much as they want, by paying sincerely. The menu is also very delicious, there are chicken, shrimp, tempeh, vegetables and various other side dishes.

There is also a free legal assistance program for the public, free ambulances, MSME galleries, and the introduction gallery of Ganjar.

Because of this uniqueness, Ganjar, who visited North Sumatra today, took the time to stop by. He saw how the activities of young people in North Sumatra were active at the post.

"So, we young people are all at the Juang headquarters, we want to do clear and useful activities. Therefore, we make an honesty canteen which is open every noon at 12.00 to 13.00 WIB. This canteen is open to the public, all people can come here and pay as well as possible," said Ade Ritonga, co-founder of the Juang Ganjar Headquarters.

In addition to the honesty canteen, Ade said that in that place there was also a free legal consultation service. In addition, there are also free ambulances, MSME galleries, and galleries about Ganjar Pranowo's work.

"We are working together for all of this, we are sincere in supporting Pak Ganjar. Because we believe that Indonesia must be led by honest people like Pak Ganjar. Only Pak Ganjar can continue Pak Jokowi's good program," he said.

Ganjar really appreciates the steps taken by the volunteers, which are dominated by millennials and Gen Z. According to him, the Juang Headquarters post is the most unique volunteer post he has ever met.

"I've had a story for a long time, someone sent photos and videos about the activities of these friends. This is the most unique post, there is an honesty canteen, pay sincerely. So these young people have built integrity in a good way," he said.

There are also free legal assistance programs, free ambulances and UMKM galleries and galleries that can show Ganjar's work program and achievements during his two-term Central Java governorship.

"This is a way for volunteers to educate the public well. Thanks to friends who have provided a logical and educational way of moving. We show that politics can be civilized, can be done with these kinds of good things," he concluded.

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