OKU - A member of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Ogan Komering Ulu Police (OKU) thwarted a methamphetamine drug transaction at a hotel in the Baturaja City area, South Sumatra (Sumsel). A drug dealer with the initials AS (42) was also arrested. "The perpetrator who was named a suspect was arrested last night while in a hotel in the East Baturaja District," Head of Public Relations of the OKU Police AKP Budhi Santoso in Baturaja, Antara, Friday, June 9. A US suspect, a resident of Pangeran Hajib Street, Sukajadi Village, East Baturaja District, was arrested while staying at a hotel to conduct drug buying and selling transactions. The suspect, who is a drug dealer recidivist, did not know that the prospective buyer at that time was a undercover police officer so he could not dodge when he was arrested. "This US is an old player who is included in the operational target. The famous suspect is difficult to catch because he often moves from place to place," he explained. From the hands of the suspect, officers found evidence in the form of two packs of methamphetamine with a gross weight of 10.36 grams and digital scales. According to the suspect's statement, said Budhi, the methamphetamine he sold was illegal goods from Muara Enim Regency to be circulated in Baturaja City. He emphasized that for his actions, the suspect would be charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary to Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. "To account for his actions, the suspect and drug evidence are currently being secured at the OKU Police Headquarters for further legal processing," he said.

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