Makassar City Government (Pemkot) is ready to build Makassar Government Center and Services (MGCS) worth IDR 200 billion to increase investment in the eastern Indonesia metropolitan area.
Head of the Facilities and Infrastructure Division of the Makassar Public Works (PU) Muh Hajar Aswad said the MGCS is designed to become a public service center or center that will be connected to one in one building.
"The service will apply technology, in order to provide convenience to the community and of course it is hoped that it will attract investors," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 29.
Based on information from the City Plan (KRK) issued by the Makassar Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP), this building is designated as an office area and a green open space (RTH).
The construction location is on Jalan Balai Kota with a land area of 2.3 thousand square meters. This office building was built with eight floors.
Hajar Aswad revealed that currently, the tender stage is entering the opening and evaluation phase of file I offerings in the form of administration and technical. The results of this administrative and technical evaluation will be announced on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
Meanwhile, the signing of the contract on June 5, 2023. Hajar is also optimistic that the mega project can be completed this year.
"The work time will be carried out for about 6 months or about 180 working days," he said.
Hajar Aswad said there were eight competing partners to win the MGCS development project. The average participant is a state-owned enterprise (BUMN).
The eight partners consist of PT Pembangunan Perumahan, PT Djasa Ubersakti, PT Haka Utama, PT Hutama Karya, PT Nindya Karya, PT Brantas Abipraya, PT Waskita Karya, and PT Amarta Karya.
This project, said Hajar, is expected to be won by SOEs. The reason is that SOEs are considered to be able to work more professionally, so that projects can be completed according to the target time.
"The budget is Rp. 200 billion and SOEs can participate in tenders for projects above Rp. 100 billion," he said.
The project tender was held at the beginning of the year, it's just that the project auction was declared a failure due to an administrative error.
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