JAKARTA - The government continues to work to complete the implementing regulations of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS). "The Presidential Decree on the National Policy for the Eradication of TPKS, the discussion is already at level four carried out between ministries of institutions," said Deputy for Special Protection of Children of the Ministry of PPPA Nahar quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 26. Then the PP on Coordination and Monitoring of the Implementation of Prevention and Handling of TPKS Victims, is also in the process of completion. "Although there are several records about, for example, there are cases that are systemic in nature, extraordinary crimes, their nature is political. This needs to be confirmed. There are several cases whose resolution is very long, influenced by several factors," he said. The government has until next year to complete the implementing regulations of the TPKS Law.
This refers to Article 91 of the TPKS Law, which reads "The implementation regulations of this Law must be determined no later than two years from the time this Law is enacted".This Law itself has been ratified on May 9, 2022. Based on Presidential Decree No. 25 and 26 concerning the PP and Presidential Regulation 2023, there are seven Implementing Regulations of the TPKS Law consisting of three Government Regulations (PP) and four Presidential Regulations (Presidential Regulations).
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