JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno stated that he would establish communication with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding the pros and cons of the British music group concert, Coldplay.
"We are open to communication, we want to hear input and suggestions, because these scholars are part of us to ensure that this concert is in the corridor of law," Sandiaga told reporters at the Jakarta Presidential Palace as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.
The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said that the communication network is also expected to accommodate the spirit of making Indonesia a world tourist destination as well as the world's creative economy products.
"This must be prepared properly, all input suggestions are accommodated," he said.
Sandiaga said that the ranks of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy still recorded and calculated the potential added value of the Coldplay concert which is scheduled to take place on November 15, 2023 at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta.
According to Sandiaga, the famous music group stage with Fix You is included in the framework of Indonesia's 3,000 event throughout 2023 which is targeted to reap an economic impact of IDR 162 trillion and opens up opportunities and targets for job creation of 4.4 million.
"I'm sure (the target) will be achieved," he said.
Meanwhile, regarding the statements of a number of groups that threatened to carry out a siege at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport if the Coldplay concert continued, Sandiaga chose to hand it over to the relevant ministries and institutions.
"It will be handled by the relevant ministries and institutions," he said.
Previously, although they did not refuse or prohibit the public from watching Coldplay concerts, the Chairperson of the MUI for Da'wah and Ukhuwah KH Cholil Nafis asked the promoter of the organizers to ensure and guarantee that there were no symbols, words and actions that campaigned for the LGBT group in the event.
The Coldplay Concert "Music of The Spheres World Tour 2023" in Jakarta will take place at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium on November 15.
Concert tickets are sold starting from Rp800,000 for the cheapest category to the Ultimate Exprience category of Rp11,000,000. This price does not include a 15 percent tax, 5 percent service fees and other costs.
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