PASAMAN - A tiger entangled in a resident's plantation in Jorong Tikalok, Nagari Tanjung Beringin, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Tuesday, May 16. Head of the Daily Conservation Section of the West Sumatra BKSDA Region I, Rusdiyan P. Ritonga said that the pig traps were installed by one of the local residents. "Munawar went to the garden and saw a Sumatran tiger entangled. He immediately reported it to the youth and youth reporting it to the Lubuk Attitudeing Police," he said in Lubukbasung, Padang, Tuesday, May 16, confiscated by Antara. Furthermore, the Lubuk Attitude Police Chief reported the findings to the West Sumatra BKSDA call center. BKSDA immediately dispatched the West Sumatra BKSDA Wildlife Rescue Team, Panti Natural Resources Conservation Resort (KSDA). "The results of the examination in the field were found by a Sumatran tiger caught in a pig snare in a resident's garden," he added.
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