JAKATA After conducting an examination, the North Jakarta Metro Police revealed that a foreign national (WNA) from Nigeria, namely warna Nwambara (32), a suspect in the persecution of the elderly in Kelapa Gading, was negative in consuming alcohol and narcotics.
"The results of the examination (urine), negative alcohol and narcotics are also negative," said North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Gidion Arif Setyawan quoting Antara, Monday, May 8.
Gidion said that his party needed to involve forensic psychologists to explore the motive for the cruelty of the perpetrators of killing the victims, N (55) and RD (58) in the apartment in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta, last Friday, May 5.
According to Gidion, the testimony of a forensic psychologist witness was needed to explain the psychological aspects of Nigerian foreigners who went berserk in the hallway of the 20th floor of the apartment on Friday and had the heart to stab the two elderly residents of the apartment.
The North Jakarta Metro Police will also coordinate with the North Jakarta TPI Class I Immigration Office to see the track record of the foreigner before an incident occurred for investigation purposes.
Previously, the Head of the North Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKBP Iver Son Manossoh, said thatwambara was a suspect in the case of the abuse of two elderly women in the Kelapa Gading apartment, North Jakarta on Friday, at around 18.43 WIB.
Iver said that before the incident, the suspect was already on the 20th floor of the apartment. The two victims were also in the apartment because the two elderly mothers were residents of the apartment.
That night, the first victim with the initials N heard a sound allegedly someone kicking the door not far from the room unit where the first victim lived.
Then the first victim tried to get closer to find out what was happening in his neighbor's room. It turned out that there was a man with Nigerian nationality who went berserk at the crime scene (TKP) and for no reason, this elderly person who became the first victim was chased by the perpetrator and then an act of persecution occurred.
The second victim RD intended to help N's mother, but also experienced violence with a sharp weapon. How to stab RD with a sharp weapon taken from RD's unit or room on the arm, then back and several other parts of the body.
The stab wound victim was immediately rushed to Gading Pluit Hospital for medical treatment.
wambara was immediately arrested by the police on Friday night and on Saturday he was named a suspect in a case of abuse.
He faces a minimum prison sentence of five years for molesting the elderly with the initials N (55) and RD (58) to result in serious injuries, according to Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code: "If the act (of persecution) results in serious injuries, the guilty will be punished with a maximum imprisonment of five years."
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