JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave a mandate to his staff to maintain public trust in the increasing Police.
The National Police Chief said that within one month, the level of public trust in the National Police increased based on the survey results, from 70.8 percent in March to 73.2 percent in April 2023.
"This survey was carried out when the National Police carried out security at the beginning of the homecoming, so it has not been completed. Hopefully, in further surveys from the series of backflows and homecoming flows, the number of the National Police can increase," said Sigit as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 3.
The National Police Chief also conveyed that the results of a survey of public satisfaction with the role of Bhayangkara for Community Security and Order Development (Bhabinkamtibmas) were recorded at 73.6 percent, followed by Bhabinkamtibmas' ability to maintain security and public order at 71.5 percent. Meanwhile, regarding public services, in general, the level of public satisfaction is at 71 percent.
However, said Sigit, there are things that must continue to be improved, including SIM services and services to the elderly and disabled groups.
"So, those are the numbers where the ones that are already high please be maintained and improved, which are still not allowed for improvement," said Sigit.
Previously, the Indonesian Indicator survey institute released the results of a survey on the level of public trust in the Police increasing at 73.2 percent.
Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi in his release, Sunday (30/4), said that one of the reasons that underlie the increasing public trust in the National Police was the impact of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo's firm action against generals involved in cases, such as Ferdy Sambo and Teddy Minahasa.
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