JAKARTA - Ukraine is finalizing preparations for a retaliatory strike against Russian troops and is largely ready to do so, Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said on Friday.

"As soon as there is the will of God, the weather, and the decision of the commanders, we will do it," he said in an online press conference, launching Reuters on April 28.

He did not give a date for when the counter-offensive would begin, but said: "Globally, we are in a high percentage ready."

Kyiv hopes its planned counterattack will change the dynamics of the war that has been raging since Russia invaded Ukraine 14 months ago.

It is known, Russia controls most of Ukraine in the east, south, and southeast.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military said in its latest daily report on the war that Bakhmut, a small eastern town, was still the focus of the fighting.

Separately, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this week Kyiv's foreign allies and partners had delivered almost all of the promised combat vehicles to Ukraine.

"More than 98 percent of the combat vehicles promised to Ukraine have been delivered. That means more than 1,550 armored vehicles, 230 tanks, and other equipment, including large quantities of ammunition," he told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Reznikov said Ukraine had received a lot of modern equipment, including weapons that would serve as an "iron fist", while training on some Western equipment was continuing.

Previously, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers had trained in a number of Western countries to use various military assets on the battlefield in a combined way.

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