The third perpetrator of the persecution of two karaoke guide women in Lengayang Pesisir Selatan District some time ago finally surrendered to the police.
South Coast Police Chief AKBP Novianto Taryono, said the suspect who surrendered was the initials IJ (47), a resident of the Kenagariab Gompong Market, West Kambang, Lengayang District, Pesisir Selatan Regency.
"The three suspects have been arrested with the chronology of one person being arrested by a joint team of Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda West Sumatra," Novianto said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 24.
Then the other two suspects surrendered on a communication approach from the family and the police.
The suspect's surrender to the South Coast Police Satreskrim through the Magnetic Tiger Opsnal Team regarding reports of victims having circulated videos of two women receiving persecution of residents located in Pasir Putih Kambang, Lengayang District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, Saturday, April 8 at around 23.30 WIB.
Previously, the Head of Pessel Police, AKBP Novianto Taryono, said that the three suspects were the conclusion of the examination of 13 witnesses previously.
From the results of the examination, it has narrowed to three people who are strongly suspected of being suspects who have now been arrested.
"For now, we have secured three perpetrators in this case, the first is AK (38), the second is E (47) and the third is J (47). This can increase according to the dynamics of the investigation and investigation carried out intensively by the Satreskrim," he said.
He thanked the families of the two suspects who had handed over their families to account for their actions.
"We will guarantee the rights of the suspect in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.
He also asked the suspects to provide actual information about the incident, and follow legal procedures cooperatively so that all perpetrators in the case will be clearly revealed according to their respective roles.
Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Coast Police, AKP Andra Nova, said that the three suspects could be subject to criminal sanctions as referred to in Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning criminal acts of sexual violence.
Then Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning pornography and Article 170 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.
"We are conducting further investigation into what their respective roles are in this case," he said.
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