The West Java Regional Police (Polda Jabar) said the peak of the Lebaran 2023 homecoming flow on the southern route starting from the Nagreg area, Bandung Regency, towards Garut and Tasikmalaya Regencies had been passed. West Java Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Pol. Bariza Sulfi said the traffic flow on Thursday or D-2 Lebaran 2023 was less than Wednesday, April 19, or D-3 Lebaran 2023. "Because today there was an Isbat trial, maybe they left first for that preparation," said Bariza. Meanwhile, Kapolresta Bandung Kombes Pol. Kusworo Wibowo said the number of vehicles crossing Nagreg on H-2 began to decline compared to H-3. He noted that the number of vehicles crossing Nagreg at H-3 starting at 00.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB was almost the same as the number of vehicles at H-2 from 00.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB.

"But we don't know after tarawih prayers, after what kind of maghrib, we are still trying our best to anticipate everything that happens," said Kusworo. Bandung Regency Transportation Service recorded that the number of vehicles crossing Nagreg for 24 hours on D-3 Lebaran 2023 amounted to 129 thousand.

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