The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong reminded Indonesian migrant workers to always be aware of fraud under the guise of romance or romance scams.
"It's not boring that we continue to urge PMI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) friends in Hong Kong to be aware of the mode of romance fraud like this," said Indonesian Consul General in Hong Kong Ricky Suhendar in a written statement in Beijing, Antara, Tuesday, April 18.
According to him, crime under the guise of romance is rampant and has not made many Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong a victim.
The modus operandi, he said, was that the perpetrator persuaded and persuaded the victim, ranging from being in close relationships, borrowing money, to giving hopes of getting married soon. The perpetrator who claims to have an established job then recorded the conversation using the video application.
"This must be really watched out for. Don't let your guard down so that you become an object of extortion and fraud under the guise of romance that ultimately harms yourself. Focus on working to achieve good goals as expected," Ricky's message to Indonesian migrant workers.
Based on reports from several migrant workers in Hong Kong regarding elements of romance fraud, extortion, threats, and falsification of data, the Indonesian Consulate General moved quickly to coordinate and explore cases with the police in Indonesia.
"As a result, the alleged perpetrator has now been arrested by the East Java Regional Police," said Ricky.
He expects support from law enforcement officials, both in Indonesia and in Hong Kong,
"We always continue to strive to realize the state's presence to provide the best protection to PMIs," said Ricky.
The number of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong reaches 180,000, almost all of whom are female who work in the informal sector, such as household assistants or taking care of the elderly.
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