JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to search for assets belonging to the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe who is now being charged with money laundering (TPPU) articles. Items resulting from receiving disguised bribes and gratuities continue to be searched for.
This was conveyed by the Head of the KPK Reporting Section, Ali Fikri, after investigators examined five witnesses on Friday, April 14. One of the witnesses being examined was the Acting Governor of Papua Ridwan Ruusukun.
"Witnesses were present and their knowledge was investigated, among others, related to the alleged ownership of assets from suspect LE (Lukas Enembe) who deliberately disguised themselves by using the identities of certain parties," Ali told reporters, Monday, April 17.
Apart from Ridwan, there were four other witnesses who were also examined, namely a private party named Timotius Enumbi, an employee of the finance department of PT Melonesia Stevani Moningka, treasurer of expenses for the Hengki PUPR Service, and ULP for the Entrop-Hamadi II road improvement project Reza Bayu Pahlavi Ayomi.
Previously, Lukas had been charged with alleged money laundering. This case is a development of the allegations of bribery and gratuities that ensnared him.
Lukas is suspected of receiving bribes from the director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua, Rijatono Lakka. While gratuities are allegedly given by other private parties so that they can get projects in Papua.
In an effort to investigate the case that ensnared Lukas, around 90 witnesses were examined. They consist of various elements including digital forensics, forensic accounting experts, and experts from health.
It didn't stop there, the KPK had also confiscated around IDR 50.7 billion; gold bars, gemstone rings, and four cars. This confiscation was carried out to complete evidence of unfair practices carried out by the regional head.
Then, investigators froze the account in the name of Lukas and related parties in which there was IDR 81.8 billion and 31,559 Singapore dollars.
Most recently, investigators also seized a hotel in Jayapura that was allegedly owned by Lukas some time ago. The value of these assets reaches IDR 40 billion.
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