Cirebon Police, West Java, arrested DSA, a fake TNI member who stole two cell phones belonging to a woman known through a dating application. "This DSA claims to be a soldier to its victims, even though the person concerned is not a soldier," said Cirebon Police Chief Kombes Arif Budiman in Cirebon, Antara, Friday, April 14. Arif said that apart from arresting DSA who claimed to be a member of the TNI, his party also arrested DH. DH is a collector of DSA stolen goods in the form of two mobile phones. This case was uncovered after the victim reported the theft incident by fake soldiers to local officials. He explained that initially DSA invited the victim to get acquainted through a dating application and claimed to be a member of the TNI. The perpetrator then went to the victim's house and took the victim for a walk using his car. "DSA also claimed to be a member of the TNI to the victim's parents and asked permission to take a walk. Then the perpetrator used his car to invite the victim," he said. Arif said on the way DSA suddenly stopped his car and pretended to want to ask for a signature and stamp from the commander. In fact, the perpetrator also invited the victim to get down and suggested leaving his bag in the car. However, Arif continued, after getting off and walking to his commander DSA's house, he returned to his car because he pretended to forget to lock the door. However, it was only the perpetrator's mode of immediate escape leaving the victim, and carrying the victim's valuables left in the car. "At that time, the victim was chasing and holding the rearview mirror of the car, but DSA was still running the car. The victim eventually fell and was dragged up to seven meters so that he was injured," he said. Arif added that DSA managed to escape with the victim's bag containing two cellphones, ATM cards and others that had been confiscated as evidence. In addition, officers also helped secure other evidence in the form of clothes and striped pants purchased by DSA from the marketplace.
"The stolen DSA from the victim was sold to DN, so that it was also secured. As a result of their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code and Article 480 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of nine years in prison," he said.

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