JAKARTA - PPP Deputy General Chair Amir Uskara, revealed that the three party chairmen who are members of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) had held a meeting a few days ago.

The meeting which took place that night to discuss the grand coalition to the matter of exploring with the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR) formed by Gerindra and PKB. "So we had several, 2, 3 nights ago met again with the general chairmen (discussing the grand coalition, ed). Then the communication relations we built with, for example, Gerindra remained," said Amir Uskara at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta Thursday, April 13. Amir said, Golkar Party chairman Airlangga, PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas), and Plt Ketum PPP Mardiono had met to discuss the follow-up of the coalition. The meeting, he said, took place in the area around Jakarta. "Yes, that's about it (Jakarta, ed)," he said.

According to him, discussions related to the grand coalition are still being finalized by the leaders at KIB. Meanwhile, said Amir, the ketums are focused on the coalition that has been formed.

"Yes, we are still discussing with the KIB coalition itself, and also related to the discourse of a grand coalition, what are our considerations," he said. "If the coalition is big, we have conveyed it, we at KIB are always open with other parties who want to join. Including other coalitions that want to join, later for example, a large coalition really happens, of course what we will talk about is what we will discuss together," continued Amir.

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