Head of the Banjarmasin City Information and Statistics Communication Office (Diskominfotik) Windiasti Kartika stated that not all public information can be disclosed and obtained by the general public.

This was conveyed by Windiast regarding information about information and documentation management officials (PPID).

"Information is the most important part that must be conveyed. However, not all public information can be disclosed and obtained by the public," said Windiasti while leading the Diskominfotik morning rally in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, April 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure, said Windiasti, mandates that all government public bodies must convey public information to the public.

The public information in question, he continued, is information that is under the authority of local government officials to be submitted quickly, accurately, and accurately.

He said the excluded public information was confidential and had also been regulated by law based on propriety, position and provisions according to the public interest.

Windiasti explained that the existence of this PPID was in order so that the work unit could provide, limit, and/or close the information requested by the public under the applicable law.

He said that the Banjarmasin City Diskominfotik will always be professional in managing information disclosure.

Kadiskominfotik reiterated that information is the most important part that must be given to the general public. This is a claim of responsibility for every PPID.

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