JAKARTA - The attorney for the defendant AG, Mario Dandy's lover, Mangata Toding Alo, revealed that in reading the memorandum of defense, AG seemed to be crying.

"When he was present, he was in good health but indeed at the reading of the pledoi earlier he cried," Mangata told reporters at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, April 6.

He also said that in his Pledoi, his party also apologized for David's condition with the victim's family. In his pledoi there is also an explanation of CCTV evidence and expert testimony.

"In Pledoi we reveal everything, let alone expert statements, our experts have 4, namely 2 child crimes, 1 general crime, 1 forensic psychologist," he said.

On that occasion, Mangata revealed in the reading of his client's memorandum of defense against the prosecution's 4-year demands yesterday. There are three Pledoi files, both from AG's son, AG's parent son, and AG's team of lawyers.

"Our defense note, we divided it into three because it was in accordance with Article 60 of the SPPA Law, so our legal advisory team submitted it themselves, the parents of AG's child also read it out," he concluded.

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