JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR and the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani, responded to the discourse of a grand coalition that combines the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) and the Greater Indonesia Awakening coalition (KIR) after the meeting of five general chairmen of political parties and President Joko Widodo last weekend. According to Puan, a major coalition could be formed if all parties agreed on the same vision and mission and ideals. Therefore, he agreed to form a grand coalition as long as there were similarities between the three elements for Indonesia. "So yes, he agreed that it was done with the same ideals and visions and missions for Indonesia," said Puan at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 4. Puan said that he was monitoring what President Jokowi said in the PAN gathering event on Sunday, April 2. He supported the formation of a grand coalition for the good of the nation and state, especially the people.
"I watched on TV, Pak Jokowi stated that please the political party leaders who carry out this, the president will be a listener, that's what I watch on the president's statement TV," he said. "So, the best for the nation and state, the best for the people, of course PDIP will definitely support this," continued Puan.
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