The joint raid carried out by the TNI - Polri personnel examined the exhaust and two-wheeled vehicle (motor) without any documents. A total of 43 vehicles using noisy exhausts were netted and given a warning. Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso said that the joint raid was carried out on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 from 22.00 WIB until they finished coinciding at Villa, Bogor Indah 2 and 3, Bogor City. Led by the Head of Bogor City Traffic Unit as well as the personnel of the Bogor City Police traffic unit, and TNI personnel. Brong exhaust raids and securing two-wheeled vehicles for motorists who could not show their papers,'' said Bismo on Thursday, March 30. From this time there were no two-wheeled exhaust control activities seized but only 43 two-wheeled vehicles were caught at the location. 43 motorbikes that were caught later, the 30 motors were replaced by standard exhausts at the location," said Bismo Teguh Prakoso. The drivers caught will be given directions to replace their own exhausts with standard exhausts that have been provided by the police. Furthermore, the exhaust was handed over by violators to be destroyed. Meanwhile, 13 units of motors were detained for incomplete vehicle documents and noisy exhausts. "Currently at Mako Polresta, Bogor City," said Bismo Teguh Prakoso.

Regarding the previous operation, there was a confiscation or security of two-wheeled vehicles, therefore the police will make a Certificate of Acceptance (STP) for these motorbikes. If the vehicle owners want to take their vehicle back, then the vehicle owners must bring letters showing ownership to be checked at the Kedung Halang Police Headquarters and given a STP.

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