JAKARTA - After a hiatus of several years from his last tour titled 'Ngacapruk Show #5', Vikri Rahmat and his entourage are now preparing to tour Java Island for a full month through a series of tours Father said Don't Manja.

This tour starts on June 17 and will end on July 14, 2023 by visiting 12 cities. Starting from Majalengka, Yogyakarta, Pati, Kudus, Madiun, Tulung Agung, Gresik, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Jember, Malang, and ending in Bojonegoro.

The 'Father's Words Don't Be Manja' were initiated by Vikri Rahmat in his efforts to convey unrest and encourage young people to have an independent attitude, to be willing to move, and to have a passion for creating a work while increasing concern and sensitivity to the surrounding environment through sustainable works.

"Hopefully I can give a little more energy and enthusiasm to the listeners, that they can and can create opportunities to expand the medium independently," said Vikri in his statement.

This tour will collaborate with various communities ranging from the stand-up comedy community, music, and literacy.

Not only music performances are served in every city. However, Vikri and My Magic Friends are trying to minimize the use of disposable packaging, and will collect PTE (state bottle) waste which will be reprocessed into new goods.

In the campaign of Less Plastic, More Action, Vikri and My Magic Friend collaborated with Stuffo, GUNDRND, Disaster Management Center Dompet Dhuafa.

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