JAKARTA - The MyFest.id music festival which will be held on July 1, 2023 at Brigif Cimahi Square, West Java, will be an event to introduce new songs of musicians participating, including Fourtwnty and NSB. "There are some special treats from our latest album, maybe there is one, two songs that we will spill first for the next performance," said Nuwi Fourtwnty, quoted from Antara, Thursday.

The NSB band bas player, Dody, also expressed the same thing. He said his band was scheduled to bring a second single at the festival which was also hosted by Marshel Widianto.

Meanwhile, vocalist of The Changcuters Mohammad Tria Ramadhani promised to present a special, cool performance at the MyFest.id event. "It's an honor for The Changcuters to participate. We give a special. We are born to be ready, we will definitely present something 'wow cool'," said Tria. For Tria, the Brigif Cimahi field is a legendary place and always brings hockey to the band. The music events that are held there, he continued, always go on cool. MyFest.id music festival will also be enlivened by DJ Diskopantera, group Maliq & D Escentials, rapper Iwa K, Kangen Band, Wika Salim and Yura Yunita. DJ Diskopantera said that he wanted not only to make the event a fun event, but also hoped to provide a positive experience for the audience. "Hopefully it will provide experience for the friends present. So it's not just a fun event. When they come home they can still discuss what it was, 'crazy yes, this one'," said Diskopantera.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Project Manager Make Tings Rony Andrian Tohonan Malau selaku penyelenggara mengatakan persiapan acara mulai dari lokasi hingga perizinan sudah 90 persen.Para penonton nantinya sudah dapat memasuki area festival pukul 10.00 WIB dan mulai bisa menyaksikan penampilan para pengisi acara mulai pukul 13.00 WIB hingga 23.30 WIB.Dia menuturkan penyelenggara menyediakan sejumlah fasilitas di area festival seperti mushala, toilet, area makan dan minum serta fasilitas khusus penyandang disabilitas.

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