JAKARTA History today, 63 years ago, May 3, 1960, Bung Hatta threw criticism at Soekarno. Hatta said that Soekarno's leadership actually brought many benefits to the political movements of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

The statement was revealed by Hatta in the Daily Trumpet of the Community. Previously, Soekarno and Hatta were known as Dwitunggal, the leader of Indonesia. Both played an important role in breaking the shackles of colonialism. However, that does not mean that both of them always think one way. They often disagree.

Communism was once considered tough to fight colonialism and imperialism on earth. In the archipelago, let alone. All freedom fighters consider communism a powerful tool of struggle.

A tool of struggle that was able to overthrow the invaders until finally Indonesia became independent. Soekarno really understands this. In fact, he has more interest in communism. He doesn't care who he should be friends with.

As long as they put communism forward in their struggles and did not threaten their leadership, Soekarno fully supported. That is what then happened to Soekarno's relationship as ruler and PKI in the 1960s.

Both of them were able to go hand in hand. Even the PKI leaders often support all Soekarno's political steps. As a result, Soekarno also returned the services of the PKI by providing a broad political space. There are no two PKI positions.

PKI people can occupy many strategic and honorable positions. From being a minister to a reliable polytus. PKI people can then mingle with other groups, Islam and nationalists in government.

For the PKI, it is said that historian Taufik Abdullah, revolution is a path that must be taken to create a classless society, as taught by marxisms. Apart from Soekarno's borjuis background,' the PKI can see that its idea is parallel to the understanding they have understood.

"Isn't Soekarno said that he is a Marxist, although not in the sense of ideology and flsaph, but as the foundation of historical and social theories. If Political Manifesto formulates the meaning of revolution, shows opponents and friends of revolution, and so on, then USDEK means the 1945 Constitution, Indonesian Socialism, Led Democracy, Led Economy, and National Priority," said Peter Kasenda in the book Bung Karno Panglima Revolution (2014).

Soekarno and PKI's closeness was in fact considered disturbing. Bung Hatta also smelled the signs. He even resigned as Vice President of Indonesia because he started not to accompany Bung Karno. Instead of listening to Hatta's advice a lot, Bung Karno is believed to be only a tool for the PKI to gain power.

Hatta also often criticizes the Soekarno government. Even though Hatta is no longer in government. Including when Bung Karno formed the Gotong Royong People's Representative Council (DPR-GR) by appointing many PKI members to sit in parliament.

Hatta threw the criticism as he said in the Public Trumpet Daily on May 3, 1960. Hatta considered the presence of the DPR-GR to be too profitable for the PKI, rather than providing broad benefits to all Indonesian people.

The Daily Community Trumpet on May 3, 1960 broadcast Bung Hatta's statement that democracy in Indonesia was in crisis, and assessed that Bung Karno's actions to form DPR-GR were unconstitutional. Regarding the birth of the Democracy League, Hatta stated that it was a challenge to the DPR-GR where the position of the PKI benefited, "explained Alwi Shahab in the book Maria Van Engel: Habib Kwitang's Son-in-law (2006).

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