JAKARTA - The success of his first film made Warner Bros. Pictures presents the film Meg 2: The Trench. Jason Statham is still the main character under director Ben Wheatley.
Action genres, the film Meg 2: The Trench tries to improve what has happened in its first film. The story also continues the story of the first film but regardless, this film can still stand alone.
Meg 2: The Trench tells the story of Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) and a group of scientists who know there is a spread of remnants of illegal mining that make the sea polluted. It also threatens the return of megalodons larger than they expected.
Jonas Taylor is not alone, because he was accompanied by Jiuming (Wu Jing) and his nephew, Meiying Zhang (Sophia Cai), DJ (Page Kennedy), Mac (Cliff Curtis) against the mining person.
However, they are also faced with megalodon which turns out to be present in various types. It seems that their struggle is not over here.
Meg 2: The Trench features a tense scene as well as a moment to scratched their heads. If they actually fought megalodon, this time they are against humans who are the antagonists as well as the development of the main story.
In the first half, the audience was taken to an intense moment when Jonas Taylor tried to repair the sea lane station. He and Jiuming and Mac had to take care of themselves when they were in the middle of the sea because megalodon could be present at any time.
However, that nuance seemed to swerve in the second half where the execution of the story became more comedy action. Jonas Taylor was made as if he was a superhero who was willing to face megalodons with minimal weapons. It doesn't make sense but it still works to be an entertaining moment.
Given that the film tells megalodon, of course this film requires VFX or visual effects. Unfortunately, VFX here feels normal, but still the megalodon scenes that appear like jumpcare deserve appreciation. The excitement was still felt that made the audience surprised.
In terms of acting, Jason Statham displays an okay performance, as does the other players. Not something special but still to be enjoyed.
The premise is interesting, the execution doesn't make sense, but there's no need to focus too much on these aspects. In fact, Meg 2: The Trench can still be a decent spectacle and even be fun.
The film Meg 2: The Trench will air starting today, Wednesday, August 2 at Indonesian cinemas.
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