YOGYAKARTA After a delicious lunch with a complete presentation, most people will feel sleepy. Maybe you are worried about this condition, because it is too often experienced, causing big questions dangerous, right?. However, feeling sleepy and weak after lunch, or eating time at any time, is called post-predial somnolen.

If it doesn't interfere with your work or activities, it turns out that postprandial somnolen is harmless. But in some cases, the decrease in energy after lunch has an impact on productivity in the workplace and increases the risk of accidents. In addition, you also need to evaluate the problems or problems of previous night's sleep disturbances that may underlie your drowsiness after lunch the next day.

Drowsiness after this harmless meal, many factors. Medically called somnolen prostprandial, but some are popularly called food coma'. According to research reported by the Sleep Foundation page, Tuesday, August 1, the factors that cause drowsiness after eating include the type of food that is eaten and nutrients that may have an impact on the appearance of weakness and sleepiness. These types of foods, such as fatty foods, high carbohydrates and calories, increase drowsiness. Other factors that may play a role, including eating time, work schedule, overall health, sun exposure, and body composition.

Because after so many lunches, it cannot be concluded that only one factor is encouraged. Body condition and overall health, such as fluctuations in cellular proteins, hormones, blood flow, brain chemicals, inflammation, and internal body hours can also affect.

In normal body condition, drowsiness after eating can be caused by too large portion of food. This is shown through research, that eating high-fat, carbohydrate, or calorie foods can increase drowsiness. High-fat foods, because they are difficult to digest, can consume a lot of energy so they are exhausted after eating. Eating high-fat food triptofan, known as a sleep driver because it is rich in amino acids. Rich foods for triptofanism include turkey meat, milk, bananas, wheat, and chocolate. Foods made from beans are also high in melatonin, this can trigger your sleepiness to come after eating them.

It's important to know that drowsiness during the day, maybe after eating, can also interfere with your sleep hours at night. This is caused by sleep disorders such as sleep apnea obstruction. Related to that, the condition of the body also affects. For example, incommensurate sugar levels in diabetics also cause drowsiness after eating. It can also sleepy during the day due to anemia, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, or because of taking certain drugs.

How to prevent drowsiness after eating, it needs to be adjusted to the cause. But medically, it is advisable to eat with full attention or mindful. Aware of how much the right portion is not excessive and the type of food that triggers drowsiness. The second way, take the opportunity for quick naps or naps between 15-45 minutes.

Third, find a room with bright light that may help increase vigilance and block drowsiness. Fourth, fix your nightly sleep. Don't let it be because of insomnia and stay up late, the next morning you don't have the energy to do your activities. It's also important to avoid eating too late because it can interfere with your sleep patterns. Fifth, make sure you are hydrated enough because if you are dehydrated it can affect energy and causes fatigue.

If the steps to prevent sleepiness after lunch have been carried out, but the problem has not been resolved, it is advisable to do a medical check-up as a whole in order to get a medical diagnosis and the right solution.

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