YOGYAKARTA 'Squat' is one of the easy and cheap sports to do. Not only for men, but also for women. However, the squat movement for women must be considered so as not to be the cause of injury.

Reporting from the Shape website, women are indeed allowed to do various sports as men. However, the bodies of men and women remain different so that in exercising they must pay attention to many considerations. Even in squat, women should not do squats carelessly.

The reason is that women have looser ligaments and tendons than men. This condition causes potential injuries in the punch and knee parts to occur in women than men. In addition, women's pelvis are much wider than men because they are naturally prepared to contain babies. In addition, women's pelvis also have anterior pelvis, which makes the buttocks and stomach appear to stand out naturally.

The existence of the conditions above that made the squad sport unable to be beaten evenly for both men and women. This was done to avoid injury. The recommended squat movement for women is as follows.

literally, plié is defined as a bend movement that is familiarly used in ballet dances. This position is in the form of bending your knees until your body is in a sitting position, while your legs are wide to the sides. The position is similar to the position of half-sit. When doing a squat, the position of the legs must adjust to the pelvis.

When doing a squat, women are also advised to direct their fingers outside. This is done in order to move weight to the heel and avoid anterior slope, namely the condition on the front side of the body is attracted or leaning forward.

When doing a squat, women must pay attention to their knees. When moving up and down in a plie position, don't use the knee movement. The knee angle must remain 90 degrees. Move the hip joints when moving the body up or down. This is done to avoid anterior drag.

Reporting from Indiatimes, Payal Khanchandani, an international fitness instructor and board-certified coach explained that squat is a good exercise to help tighten the muscles of the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As is known, the three areas are quite serious for women.

In general, the sport of squat has several benefits as follows, taken from various sources.

That's information related to the squat movement for women. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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