YOGYAKARTA - Ethnic Chinese has a tradition of Bakcang Sembahyang Day which is celebrated every year. Bakcang Day is celebrated every 5 months of the Chinese New Year calendar / Lunar calendar. This commemoration day is an important moment that the Chinese people have been waiting for, including in Indonesia. What is Bakcang Day and what is its origin?

In 2023, Bakcang Day coincides on June 22. Chinese people in Indonesia also mentioned Sembahyang Bawang with the name Pehcun / Pekcun. As the name implies, on this commemoration day they will make a typical Chinese food "Bakcang" made from a density containing brown meat.

In addition to presenting, Bakcang, the Chinese people will usually also hold exciting and interesting activities. Starting from dragon boat attractions, kite competitions, and so on. So what is Bakcang Day and what is it like?

The banyan prayer ceremony has been carried out for generations by the Chinese ethnicity who adhere to the teachings of the Confucian. This celebration was carried out by serving round food at the altar table to be presented to the ancestors. Only reading cakes are served and there are no other foods.

After completing the prayer, family members are allowed to eat the bakcang that was presented earlier. During the celebration of Bakcang Day in Indonesia, usually the Chinese ethnic group and the local government will hold a roundabout distribution event to the community.

Bakcang itself is a typical Chinese food made of glutinous filled with meat. Currently, the shell is also filled with various other food ingredients, such as mushrooms and yellow salted eggs. Bakcang is served by wrapped in bamboo leaves to form a fourth round Prisma. Bakcang, which has been wrapped, is then boiled until cooked.

The determination of the Day of Bakcang has a long history related to the story of the legend Qu Yuan in the late Zhou Dynasty. In a book entitled Hari Raya Twan Yang (Day of Life) published by the Klteng association Boen Tek Bio, it is stated that Qu Yuan was an influential minister at that time.

The roles of Hokian descendants in Indonesia know Qu Yuan or Kut Goan as an advisor to the king of Chu. In the final days of Zhou' dynasty, the country experienced divisions and was divided into 7 strong countries. It is said that Qu Yuan succeeded in uniting six countries under the banner of Chu's kingdom.

Qu Yuan advised King Chu to invade the Qin kingdom. But people from the Qin Kingdom spread slander until Qu Yuan was expelled from his own country. While in exile, Qu Yuan heard the news that his country was attacked by the Qin kingdom until it was destroyed.

The shocking news made Qu Yuan sad. He read a poem entitled Li Sao (Jatuh in Kesukaran) as a form of love for his country. Qu Yuan then boarded a boat to go to the Bek Lo River and sink into the river.

Over the years, a fisherman named Gi Hu brought a bamboo shell filled with rice and threw it into the river as a form of respect for Qu Yuan. The incident then became the beginning of the birth of Bakcang Day.

Bakcang is not just a glutinous rice cake, but has a deep philosophical meaning behind it. The Chinese people believe that Bakcang contains good meaning and hope which is symbolized from the four corners of the balance.

Zhi zu's first corner which means being complacent with what he has so that he should not be greedy. The second corner of Gan En means being grateful for the blessings he gets and should not feel jealous. Shan Jie's third corner means understanding to judge someone from the good side. Bao Rong's fourth corner which means embracing through love and love for others.

Those are the reviews of what are Bakcang Day and its history or origins. The Celebration of Bakcang Day has a long history in the ethnic Chinese community. Not only as a commemoration day, but the celebration of Bakcang also aims to give thanks and hope for goodness.

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