YOGYAKARTA How to combine outfits that take pictures of food, sandwiches, this is popular on TikTok. At first glance it may be hard to imagine, but the principle is like a sandwich, which is to combine clothes like two pieces of roti' and something with different colors such as'sandwich fillings'. This sandwich-style mix and match concept, popular on TikTok, is inspiring in how to dress.

Combining outfits similar to the concept of a sandwich, means matching the tops and colors of shoes or with other different colors of it. You can also flank clothes in terms of texture, ingredients, or proportions. So how to combine this simple and sweet sandwich outfit?

If you already know the principle, it will be easier to mix these sandwich-style clothes. First, you need to choose two colors, one that will be your roti and the other to your sandwich. For example, if you have a black top and white pants as well as black shoes. This boss and shoe that is of similar color, is your roti. While white pants, flanked by two black colors. In other words, if you want to match the color of your superior and subordinate, then give a contrasted color accent, including to combine sandwich outfits.

When you travel or you only have a little time to prepare outfits, combining with this concept is quite helpful. Launching Byrdie, Monday, May 29, it is most important to combine attention to balance. For example, if a black top with white shoes and white pants, it will make the composition too heavy above.

On the other hand, if you combine a white top and subordinate with black shoes, the proportion of white will be dominant and lead to focus on shoes. So combining this sandwich is not only a matter of color, but also a balance of proportions.

Through the three principles above, you can display various impressions of your mix of outfits. First, it can seem luxurious when combining black tops, white pants, and black leather sandals. You can also try a second impression that is more relaxed, namely by combining a white shirt, gray cloth pants, and plain white sneakers.

In a formal atmosphere, you can rely on how to mix this sandwich outfit. For example, matching outer to a solid shoe and dress, like black. You can also make sweet appearances that combine sandwich outfits when wearing accessories only. For example, you use a cream-colored canal and use the same shoes and bags. Interested in combining your outfits like a sandwich?

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