JAKARTA - Series A+, which aired on May 25, achieved great success after ranking first on Prime Video.

The series directed by Fajar Bustomi will be broadcast by the viewing platform in 240 countries.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the audience for A+, it seems that this series is successful with his new breakthrough which chooses a storyline that is different from the romance of school children, which most have a similar storyline.

Series A+ brings tensions that occur at the elite Bina Indonesia school which is known as a place to go to school for intelligent students.

However, behind the luxury that exists, there is an educational system that is considered manipulative.

When you step on grade 12, the tuition fee will be determined according to the student ranking.

The determination of the tuition fees sparked fierce competition among students.

The fierce competition even caused one of the students to experience depression and decided to end his life by committing suicide.

This situation was responded to by the five youngest students at school. Those who are uncomfortable with school regulations are starting to dare to fight back, even if they have to deal with school officials.

This tense story is getting even better with the presence of characters that are made contradictory.

Several cast were presented including Nurra Dukata, Antonio Blanco Jr, Ziva Magnolya, Rey Bong, Livy Renata, and Aliando Syarief.

Fajar Bustomi, who has directed films with the theme of school children several times, such as the trilogy of Dilan, Mariposa and 12 Glen Anggara Stories, called A+ a different work.

Not only the story, but it became the work of the first series he worked on.

With the series, Fajar sees that there are challenges in itself when he has to make the audience curious in every episode., of course with the premise of stories that are still not common in Indonesia.

Airing exclusively on Prime Video since May 25, the first season of the A+ series comes in 6 episodes.

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