JAKARTA - Success with a short film, Tilik The Series comes with a new chapter. Airing through the WeTV platform, this series by director Agung Wahyu Prasetyo features 8 episodes that can be enjoyed.
Through the characters of women such as Bu Tejo, Yu Ning and Bu Tri, Vanis as the screenwriter said that Tilik The Series wants to tell the problems that exist in the village as complicated as what is in urban areas.
The issues of feminism that were presented accidentally wanted to show that women also have their own views on the ideals and goals of the hifup.
"During the discussion, we want to give a landscape that life in the village is also as complicated as life in the city," Vanis said in a virtual press conference on Tuesday, May 16.
This story is accidentally set about women. We want to highlight every character here has goals and goals. We want the story to be curritic about what is on the pitch," he continued.
Meanwhile, Agung Wahyu Prasetyo said he was happy with the female cast who played in this series. He felt that the chemistry they had made it easier for him to display the strengths of each female character and the issues he wanted to raise.
I am very much helped by these great players. Incidentally they often meet, have also played together before. The players already know each other and at that location they are already close, "said Agung.
"When I talked about the characters to them, it turned out that they had discussed it with each other," he continued.
Meanwhile, Siti Fauziah, who plays Bu Tejo, admitted that she learned many things from the characters she played. He admitted that he was swept away while acting playing his role while filming.
"Kodrat is something that we bring from birth. Starting from there, actually all humans have the same right to develop themselves as humans. The implementation is how to foster trust in ourselves and support others," said Siti Fauziah.
With the success of short films watched more than 28 million times on YouTube, Elena as the producer hopes that the Tilik The Series can bring the audience closer and sensitive to the various problems around them.
"Hopefully the audience can get closer to the problems around them," concluded Elena.
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