JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized his stance regarding downstreaming. He stressed that downstream must continue.
The reason is, downstream is Indonesia's step to increase added value and open up employment opportunities.
Jokowi said he did not care about getting a lawsuit at the world trade organization (WTO) or being warned by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
"We must continue any downstreaming, even though we are being sued by the WTO, even though we are given a warning by the IMF, we must continue by any cost," he said at the Inauguration of the Apindo Management, in Jakarta, Monday, July 31.
Furthermore, Jokowi said, there were two important things to bring Indonesia to become a developed country.
First, the development of human resources (HR). Second, is downstream in minerals, agriculture, fisheries.
"Everything can be downstream, if the World Bank and IMF count in 2040-2045, I'm sure this can be somewhat advanced," he said.
On this occasion, Jokowi revealed the success of nickel downstream which began in 2020.
He said, Nickel downstream in Southeast Sulawesi alone was able to absorb 71,500 workers in the nickel processing side.
Meanwhile, continued Jokowi, in North Maluku there was an increase in labor absorption from 500 people to 45,600 people after downstreaming.
Jokowi also said the value of nickel in 2014 was only US$2.1 million. After downstreaming to IDR 510 trillion, from US$2.1 million it jumped to US$33.8 million.
"It means multiple increase. It's just for initial derivatives. If later the derivatives have developed, you can imagine how many numbers will appear, ladies and gentlemen, and this is just nickel," he said.
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