JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) said that the number of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the marine fisheries (KP) sector has increased by up to two percent per year.

"Our assisted KP sector MSMEs continue to grow positively. We see an increase of about two percent year-on-year," said Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness for Marine Products and Fisheries of the KKP Budi Sulistiyo in Bincang Bahari which was held at the KKP Building. Jakarta, Tuesday, July 25.

From this coaching, Budi said, MSMEs assisted by KKP had obtained access to people's business loans (KUR) for micro credits of Rp322 billion, until the first semester of 2023.

"The Bank Indonesia KUR also experienced an increase in the first semester of 2023, our notes for micro-credit distribution reached Rp322 billion and that is for business actors around 44,900," he said.

With this distribution, it means that the MSME actors assisted by the KKP already have the feasibility of access to these capitals.

Meanwhile, Central Sulawesi Regional Secretary Novalina said, through a series of events for the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement (Gernas BBI) and the Proud National Movement for Tourism in Indonesia (BBWI) which will be held in Central Sulawesi, they will be able to record transaction targets of up to IDR 50 billion.

"We are increasingly confident that we can achieve the target of IDR 50 billion which we will target this year and from the existing progress, we believe that this target is achieved," he said.

Meanwhile, based on the results of the curation of SMEs from the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government, a number of MSMEs with fashion categories, household or souvenir and culinary industries will be present at Gernas BBI and BBWI in Central Sulawesi with the theme 100 percent of Central Sulawesi, on 5-6 August.

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