JAKARTA - PT Petrogas (Basin) Ltd. which is contracted with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has taxed Riam-1 exploration wells.

It is known that Riam-1 Well is located in the West Walio field, precisely in the Bird Head Block, Sorong Regency, West Papua.

Deputy for Exploration of SKK Migas Working Area Development and Management Benny Lubiantara revealed that this exploration well drilling program is expected to be implemented for the next 2 months.

"SKK Migas and KKKS continue to encourage exploration well drilling programs in eastern Indonesia, because the largest oil and gas potential is currently in the area. Drilling of Riam-1 well exploration wells in the Head of Buru Block is in order to optimize the potential for oil and gas in West Papua in order to find sources of oil and gas reserves to support the fulfillment of national needs," said Benny, Monday, July 24.

Benny explained that the exploration well will be drilled in a directional manner using PBL Rig 3 (750 HP) with the planned final depth of the well at 4,250 ftMD.

This exploration drilling is intended to test and evaluate the potential of the oil and gas content contained in the Kais Formation.

Benny said that the Sorong area in the future will be more strategic because this area has produced large amounts of oil and gas and is one of the backbones of national oil and gas production.

"In the future, the Sorong area will be more strategic, as the Government seeks to push downstream oil and gas by encouraging the growth of domestic gas users, including the plan to establish a fertilizer factory in Sorong," added Benny.

Seeing the existing potential and its development in the future and the availability of infrastructure, SKK Migas will continue to intensify exploration well drilling in Sorong.

Benny added that the upstream oil and gas industry is ready to support the increase in national oil and gas reserves through more massive and aggressive exploration well drilling in 2023.

The drilling target for exploration wells in 2023 is 57 wells, an increase of 71 percent compared to the realization of exploration well drilling in 2022, which amounts to 42 wells.

The massive exploration well drilling program shows optimism in the upstream oil and gas industry for its existing potential and is a concrete step as an effort to find new oil and gas reserves to support the achievement of long-term targets in 2030, namely oil production of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and gas 12 billion cubic feet per day (BSCFD)," concluded Benny.

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