JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) together with the South Kalimantan Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) launched several agricultural cultivation innovations as a form of strengthening food security and maintaining price stability and inflation.

The launch was launched at the National Movement for Food Inflation Control (GNPIP) in Kalimantan 2023 which was held in Banjarbaru, today.

"The central bank has a strategic role in strengthening synergy and innovation between the Central and Regional Inflation Control Team (TPIP-TPID) within the framework of GNPIP to ensure supply availability and price affordability," said BI Deputy Governor Doni Joewono, Monday, July 10.

According to him, TPID throughout Kalimantan is an effort to increase food productivity to ensure food security in the future State Capital (IKN).

"Some strategic food commodity innovations, especially rice, need to be replicated by other regions to strengthen Kalimantan's food security in supporting the development of IKN," he said.

On the same occasion, South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor emphasized the importance of inflation as one of the indicators determining the success of economic development.

"Inflation control is the key to achieving the main goal of development, namely community welfare," he said.

Sahbirin added that efforts to control inflation require synergy between all parties.

"Especially to anticipate various challenges that can put pressure on rising food prices, such as increasing the geopolitical tension of the world and the risk of El Nino," he added.

Similarly, Deputy I for Food Availability and Stabilization of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) I Gusti Ketut Astawa expressed his appreciation for the cooperation of all parties. It is stated that real collaborations like this must be maintained.

"Inflation in South Kalimantan in June 2023 is said to be still under control at 4.30 percent on an annual basis, continuing to show a decline from March 2023. The downward trend is considered to be maintained, one of which is by maintaining volatile food inflation," he said.

Meanwhile, as part of a series of event activities, the Capacity Building on ASEAN Issues was also carried out with the same theme for stakeholders in the South Kalimantan region.

This activity is an event that supports the Chairship of Indonesia in ASEAN 2023, and is held in a number of provinces to increase understanding of Indonesia's Chairship and its contribution to the ASEAN region.

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