JAKARTA The Motocross Grand Prix (MXGP) Lombok event in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) was a success. This success is also supported by zero down time electricity services or without flickering from PT PLN (Persero).
PT PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN was fully committed to the success of the MXGP event, which is an international event.
"PLN always supports and provides the best for all events, both nationally and internationally, with reliable electricity, layered security and full standby PLN personnel," Darmawan said, written Monday, July 10.
Darmawan ensured that PLN also always made various preparations and mobilized equipment to provide a safe and reliable electricity supply during the event. Preparations include from the generation side, transmission to distribution in a ready, safe and reliable condition.
Meanwhile, General Manager of PLN NTB Regional Main Unit Sudjarwo said the total power needed for the Lombok MXGP was 913 kilos Volt Ampere (kVA). PLN also alerted 280 personnel spread across 17 locations during the racing event.
In securing electricity during the event, PLN prepared 2 units of mobile generators, 7 units of mobile transformers, and 7 units of mobile UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), 47 units of cars and 12 units of motorcycle vehicles.
This is a form of our support for Bumi Gora. The availability of reliable electricity is expected to increase the number of events held in NTB," said Djarwo.
Djarwo added, in this annual event PLN was also able to supply 25 thousand tons of fly ash and bottom ash or FABA which were used as the Lombok MXGP circuit track.
Furthermore, Djarwo said, PLN's success in international events in NTB was also thanks to the support of many parties. For that, he is grateful for the support of the community and all stakeholders.
PLN will continue to be committed to providing the best service for the people of NTB. Not only local, national and international events, but also in all daily activities of the community so that the economy continues to improve," he said.
NTB Governor Zulkieflimansyah also appreciated PLN's performance because for the second time it succeeded in the success of the international racing event.
"Alhamdulillah, on behalf of the government and the public, we thank PLN. Thanks to PLN, two events, namely in Samota and Lombok were held and this event was successfully broadcasted in national media and around the world. Everything is impossible for us to do without PLN's help, "said Zulkieflimansyah.
He also appreciated the enthusiasm of PLN officers who were fully alert during the racing event. Thus, the holding of this event went smoothly without any problems.
PLN's friends continue to be on standby to keep the electricity on. They are extraordinary tough fighters without a sign of service that will always be remembered by people in West Nusa Tenggara," he said.
Meanwhile, President Director of Carsten Group Indonesia as the organizer of MXGP, Abdul Ghany Kusumah, said that MXGP's success could not be separated from the presence of qualified electricity in the event. Therefore, PLN's support in international events is needed.
"The need for electricity and supporting components is very well supported by PLN. Thank you PLN for your support," said Ghany.
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