BALI - The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) asked narrow farmers and fishermen to consolidate in the cooperative forum, so that they can increase added value and have an economic scale.

"Cooperation can be the answer to various limitations among farmers and fishermen," said Deputy for Cooperatives at the Ministry of Cooperatives Ahmad Zabadi through an official statement received by VOI, Wednesday, July 5.

Deputy Zabadi said farmers who describe micro and small business actors currently have limited economics, such as limited land, human resources (Human Resources), access to financing, and the ability to reach the market.

However, with all its limitations, cooperatives are a rational choice in developing businesses for farmers and fishermen.

"Cooperation can play a role in processing crop yields and cooperatives that also operate as aggregators in connecting production results with the market. Thus, managed businesses have an economic scale and competitiveness. This also increases productivity," he said.

Zabadi gave an example of the Al-Ittifaq Cooperative in Bandung, West Java, which was able to consolidate narrow-laning farmers with an average of 50 to 100 meters (M) to 1,200 hectares (Ha).

"In addition to consolidating the narrow land of farmers, the cooperative partnered with the final offtaker such as Superindo's modern retail outlets and others to market farmers' products," he said.

Then for the fisheries sector, KemenKopUKM has implemented the Fishermen's Solution (Solar for Fisherman Cooperatives) program to help fishermen who are members of the cooperative, so that it is easier to reach subsidized diesel.

"We know that in the fisheries sector, 60 percent of the costs incurred are on the fuel. Fishermen must buy diesel fuel prices far from the specified subsidy price. We are trying to facilitate 250 fishing villages for fishermen gas stations in the future," added Zabadi.

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