JAKARTA The bright spot for the Ministry of Finance's (Kemenkeu) feud with PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk. (CMNP), which is commanded by businessman Jusuf Hamka, seems to have begun to find a common ground.

The signal was conveyed by the Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of Finance Yustinus Prastowo. In a post on the social media page, Sri Mulyani's subordinate shared a familiar photo with Jusuf Hamka.

The two of them were seen enjoying time at a restaurant while eating the presented snacks. Like a pair of friends, both Yustinus and Jusuf Hamka took pictures while brandishing their two thumbs up.

In fact, in order to lighten the atmosphere, Yustinus likened the moment that occurred to the meeting of two party officials recently.

"I don't want to lose to Mbak Puan and Mas AHY, yesterday afternoon they chatted and had relaxed coffee full of jokes with Mr. Jusuf Hamka," he said through the @prastowoyustinus account on Monday, June 19.

He said that the national entrepreneur was not a new person in his life. Yustinus admitted that he knew very well Jusuf Hamka.

"We've been friends for a long time and know each other," he said.

On that basis, Yustinus has confidence that the problems that arise between the Ministry of Finance and CMNP can be resolved properly.

"We laugh at misunderstandings that occur, then build understanding and understanding," he said.

For information, at the end of last week, information emerged that PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk. intends to file a lawsuit against two high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Finance. The first is the Director General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance Rionald Silaban. And the second is the staff of the Minister of Finance Yustinus Prastowo.

This intention emerged as a result of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) CMNP which approved the company to file a legal lawsuit against the two parties in question. Meanwhile, CMNP objected to the information submitted by Sri Mulyani's two subordinates.

Based on information compiled by the editors, this problem started with the government having to pay CMNP deposits and giro at Bank Yakin Makmur (Yama) of IDR 78.84 billion and IDR 76.09 billion, respectively.

Meanwhile, Bank Yama was taken over by the government in line with the provision of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) in 1998. Meanwhile, CMNP itself is considered affiliated with Bank Yama so that the funds have to be frozen.

On January 15, 2010, the Supreme Court (MA) decided that the government should pay the deposit provided that it would pay an additional 2 percent fine every month until the payment was paid off.

Over time, the government then negotiated with CMNP to agree that debt payments were made without interest or fines. Jusuf Hamka's company objected, until finally both parties agreed with a value of Rp. 179.5 billion.

However, until now Jusuf Hamka and PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada have not felt that they have received the rights promised by the government.

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