JAKARTA - Bank Mandiri's annual sport tourism event titled Mandiri Jogja Marathon (MJM) 2023 managed to score a new champion. In the biggest running event in Indonesia, Kenyan runners dominated the most prestigious podium, namely the Full Marathon Men and Women Open where the first podium was won by Stephen Mugambi and Emmy Kiprotich with a record time of 02:17:54 and 03:05:17, respectively.
In the same category, Kenyan runners also appeared as runners up, namely Geoffrey Kiprotich Birgen for the son and Dorcas Jebotip Tarus with a time of 02:20:01 and 03:07:36, respectively. While the third podium was taken by Ethiopian men's runner Bililign Yimer Ali with 02:22:06 and Kenyan women's runner Christine Kambua Muyang'a with 03:12:27.
As for the Putra National Marathon Full Category, appearing as the fastest were Hamdan Syafril Sayuti 02:37:41, and followed by Betmen Manurung 02:37:49 and Beni Ardinata 02:37:51. In the women's section, Anjellika Ginting became the best with 03:15:40, followed by Ina Lydia Utari Damanik 03:16:50 in second place and Yanitaari Yanita 03:21:11.
This year, MJM 2023 awarded Rp50 million in cash to the fastest in the Full Marathon Open and Rp25 million in the National Full Marathon category.
Choosing a start and finish location in the Prambanan Temple area, Mandiri Jogja Marathon presents routes that show the natural beauty and richness of local culture by passing through dozens of villages and various main tours in Yogyakarta such as Prambanan Temple, Plaosan Temple and Taruna Monument.
President Director of Bank Mandiri, Darmawan Junaidi hopes that as many as more than 8,000 domestic and foreign runners who participate in the 2023 Jogja Marathon can enjoy and promote the natural beauty and cultural wealth in Yogyakarta both on a national and international scale.
"As a cultural city, this Marathon event is expected to support cultural wealth to the international level so that it can increase tourism in Yogyakarta, and of course Indonesia. We will continue to strive to improve the quality of the Mandiri Jogja Marathon so that more runners will participate and be present in Yogyakarta and become catalysts to support the organization of other similar events in Indonesia," explained Darmawan in Yogyakarta, Sunday, June 18.
Darmawan added, along with the transition from the COVID-19 pandemic to the endemic level, it was also a momentum for the revival of sporting events in the country.
"We are very satisfied with the interest of the participants in the 2023 Mandiri Jogja Marathon. This shows that running has become one of the main choices of Indonesian people in undergoing holidays and lifestyles to live a healthy life amidst busy daily activities, as can be seen from the establishment of various runners communities in Indonesia," he added.
At this year's event, continued Darmawan, the Provincial Government of DI Yogyakarta and Bank Mandiri, jointly promote and promote the richness of local culture and products so as to spur the development of tourism and economic growth of the Province of Yogyakarta.
One way, added Darmawan, is to involve many local communities, from artists to MSME actors. Thus, the local arts and traditions of Yogyakarta can be better widely known, both by runners, runner families, and other supporters.
Darmawan further said that Bank Mandiri is committed to continuing to support the lifestyle of the Indonesian people to improve their quality of life and develop tourism, financial inclusion, and the Indonesian economy as a whole.
In the 2023 Jogja Marathon, Bank Mandiri also collaborated with dozens of local MSMEs to be able to market their products at the booth in the Mandiri Jogja Marathon 2023 organizing area. Not only that, but Bank Mandiri also embraces alumni of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs (WMM) participants to appear and expand the market at the Mandiri Jogja Marathon.
Also, in this activity all shopping transactions use non-cash payment tools from Bank Mandiri which include QRIS Livin' by Mandiri debit cards, credit cards, prepaid cards and Mandiri e-Money. The non-cash transaction scheme offered through various channels from Bank Mandiri, continued Darmawan, is also part of the company's efforts to encourage financial inclusion in line with the cashless society program from the Government of Indonesia.
In the Mandiri Jogja Marathon, Bank Mandiri continues to be committed to maintaining cleanliness and sustainability of the event area during the event. In line with the implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Bank Mandiri applies the concept of Zero Waste to Landfill by cooperating with private parties and NGOs to select and recycle organic and non-organic waste to provide positive benefits to the environment.
Bank Mandiri Corporate Secretary Rudi Asaturridha said this was a form of Bank Mandiri's consistency in achieving carbon emission reduction and supporting sustainable growth.
"Bank Mandiri Group is committed to supporting the achievement of Indonesia's carbon neutral or net zero emissions (NZE) by 2060. For this reason, we continue to collaborate and involve the community in order to have a significant multiplier effect," said Rudi.
Bank Mandiri hopes that with the Mandiri Jogja Marathon, it will not only encourage a healthy living culture but also a more disciplined and wise behavior in disposing of waste.
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