JAKARTA - The Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM) is ready to provide the best service to investors who will invest in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) through regulatory reform, acceleration of licensing processes, formulating incentives, and end-to-end services for investors.

"East Kalimantan Province is ranked 13th as an investment destination from Singapore investors, accounting for 1.08 billion US dollars or 2 percent of Singapore's investment over the past 5 years. A significant process in infrastructure development and regulations that clearly supports ease of doing business and investment in IKN," said Deputy for Climate Development Investment at the Ministry of Investment/BKPM Yuliot as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1.

The Ministry of Investment/BKPM facilitated a series of activities of the Synapore Business Visit to Nusantara Capital for three days on May 30, June 1, 2023. This activity was attended by 95 delegates consisting of 69 Singaporean companies.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan warmly welcomed investors at the IKN Zero Point Wednesday (31/5) afternoon. Not only welcoming, Coordinating Minister Luhut also accompanied investors around and showed the progress of IKN development.

"The IKN area with an area of more than 50,000 hectares and there are 9 areas that are very wide open for investors who want to work together to advance Indonesia. We hope this visit is a good start to work together to achieve mutually beneficial goals," said Luhut.

Connecting with what was conveyed by Minister Luhut, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono explained information on the development of IKN development to stakeholders, in this case investors to explore new opportunities at IKN.

As the party responsible for the construction of IKN, Minister Basuki also participated in accompanying the Singaporean delegation to see firsthand various locations in IKN, such as Nusantara Zero Point, West National Axis, Construction Workers Residential, and Sepaku Semoi Dam.

"Currently, the development process at IKN has reached 29.45 percent. We are not only building designs based on elements of beauty, but based on technical calculations that are correct and do not rule out aesthetics. Apart from buildings, our focus now is toll road construction to facilitate access to IKN," said Basuki.

The Extraordinary Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore Suryopratomo who accompanied the delegation in all these activities, also said that the importance of this visit to IKN was to follow up on the high interest of Singaporean investors in the IKN development project.

Previously, these investment opportunities had been presented to the Indonesia-Singapore Business Forum in 2022 and Indonesia and the Soapore-Indonesia Leader's Retreat in March 2023.

"In March 2023, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong even emphasized Singapore's readiness to cooperate with Indonesia to support IKN's planning and development as a smart and sustainable green city. SEEing is believing. Hopefully after seeing IKN firsthand, investors will be more confident in taking lucrative investment opportunities," said Suryopratomo.

The Singaporean Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia Kwok Kook Seng said this visit was a special opportunity for Singapore to support the progress of the IKN project. Kwok also stated that the government's commitment to building a green city does not only represent Indonesia, but also the world.

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