JAKARTA - Director General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade Sisi Sumedi said he was investigating the findings of the Singapore Food Agency regarding live pigs exported from Batam contracting the African flu virus or Africa Swine Fever (ASF).
"We are investigating it. What kind of discovery and we will check with the producers found by the virus. And that was again rumors that could appear at any time," he said at the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Thursday, May 4.
Furthermore, Didi said, after the findings are confirmed, the Ministry of Trade will then find a solution so that problems like this do not happen again.
"We have several solutions later," he said.
Meanwhile, Singapore has temporarily suspended imports of live pigs from Indonesia related to the findings of the African flu virus or the Africa Swine Fever (ASF).
On the other hand, Didi emphasized that importers must follow the flow of checks before sending their products. Checks will be carried out in accordance with import procedures determined by the destination country.
Furthermore, Didi explained that this step was to minimize product damage due to the virus and other factors.
"Actually there is (first examination). The importer in this case is Singapore to ensure that what is exported by ruminansia that passes exports in this case is checked by our quarantine agency," he explained.
Regarding these findings, Didi said the Ministry of Trade would coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to supervise livestock in the Moon Island area, Batam.
Didi said, the government will also tighten the zoning limit so that no living pigs can get out of Batam.
"This zonation will be tightened in Batam. Do not let the transmission become wider and will coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture," he said.
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