JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said the government welcomes traders of imported used clothes or thrifting to keep selling.
However, with a note that the stock must be sold out.
“Gentlemen who are traders can still trade until the goods run out. This is a heavy responsibility, exhaust the trade stock until it runs out," he said in a dialogue with traders of imported used clothes at Pasar Senen, Jakarta, Thursday, March 30.
After the stocks at the traders run out, continued Zulkifli Hasan, in the future, the government will think about a follow-up policy.
"Please chase the stock until it runs out. If we have stopped discussing it again, so that in the future our merchant friends will have better income too," he said.
Zulhas, Zulkifli Hasan's nickname, revealed that he and the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Commission VI of the DPR-RI, and traders had discussed the polemic about the rampant sale of used clothes in the market.
So, continued Zulhas, in the future all relevant stakeholders can provide the best solution for traders.
"We had a discussion for almost an hour and a half. Me and Pak Teten (Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises) assist the President, our government is all regulated through laws," he said.
Meanwhile, The Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Teten Masduki explained, the government is still providing concessions to used clothing traders to sell their wares until the stock runs out.
On that occasion, Teten also mentioned that restrictions on the sale of used clothes need to be put in place so that clothes produced by local producers or MSMEs can become kings in the Indonesian market.
“In the future, both smugglers and traders will be sanctioned. We think hard together how the solution. We think we can sell clothes made of local products," said Teten.
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